Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ladydarling, crude, rude, and possibly nude!

I decided to do some dock-tarting today. Big mistake. I encountered someone I had not yet encountered before, a lady named 'Ladydarling'. She's pretty bitchy. I was on my blogging alt, so I asked if anyone had heard of my blog. She said she did, she said the worst things imaginable.
One thing she called me was a loser with no life for having the time to write these blogs. News flash, it takes about 5 minutes to type these, I don't even plan them, I just type.
Another thing she called me was pathetic. She asked me why I would possibly blog about a video game? I'm not blogging about a game, I'm blogging about people I've encountered IN a game. It's different. Less nerdy.
The entire time I was standing in that circle most people were like "Oh, your the blogger. Cool." She kept telling me to go away. When I would say something, she would say nobody cared about my thoughts or opinions. That's kind of a slap in the face. Do you have an idea how lame it feels to be told your opinion is worthless? Sure, I don't care about what she thinks of me, she's a bitch. But to say that other people don't care about my opinion without discussing with them first, that's down right mean.

LadyDarling needs to go to "Be nice to people who blog about bitches and bastards" school. She MAY learn a valuable lesson that bloggers blog about that kind of stuff.

If you see her at the docks. Be warned. She's vicious. She's quite rude, and very mean.

Contact me bish's!

Irishkiddo Out! <3

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