Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Oosteve: Officially the biggest douschebag in the world!

Imagine everything you hate about someone...wrapped into one big package! Tada! It's Oosteve! But congratulations Oosteve! E-mail to claim your prize! He's done so many annoying things to deserve this award...I don't know where to begin.
I guess I'll start off with how I met him, through poker. I used to watch the 20k-200k tables to kill time a while ago, and I would always see Oosteve at a table. This is precisely what he would do:
1) Buy in for 50,000 poe.
2) Go all in before the flop.
3) Lose.
4) Re buy for 50,000 poe.
5) Go all in before the flop.
6) Win by default. '
7) Cash out immediately
8) Re buy for 50,000 poe.
9) Continue steps 1-8 for 7 hours.
If you play poker, you know how much of a piss off it is for some to bank. (Banking is the slang word used to describe what Oosteve does)

He also gets poe in ANOTHER douschey way. He steals. A lot. He tried to steal from a crew named "Bloody Mary's Revenge". His attempt was an epic fail. He begged to be a FO, he was promoted to Officer, when they refused to promote him to FO right away. He deleted all the officer bulletin boards notes and left the crew. How rebellious! He deleted those messages that said "There's no place like home" OH NOES, WHAT WOULD THEY HAVE DONE!?
Ban him from the crew.

Another thing Oosteve has done to win the "Biggest Douschebag Award" is....he's stolen over 2 million poe from ships! He already has millions of poe for being a dousche at poker, he decided to go the extra mile and steal some more!

Who do YOU think the Biggest Douschebag Award (Or D.O.A.) belongs to?
Tell me your thoughts at:

Irishkiddo out! <3

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