Sunday, March 1, 2009


I got this title from a nickname one of my old mates had for the douschebag himself, Mrballs. I've always hated this man, every since I found out 2 years ago, he was selling sloops for 30,000 poe. (This was when the dub prices were crazily low) Mrballs has always overpriced his ships, and he still does. He rips off noobs all the time, which is just mean...because they are noobs. He claims that some ordinary sloops are limited edition or rare. He buys boats under-priced, and sells them over-priced because of "Market Value". But I am only brushing up against a small portion as to why Mrballs is a douschebag. I was recently told of a tale that happened not too long ago, of Mrballs' tyranny.
'What did Mrballs do besides over price boats?' is what might be on your mind. Here is my response:
Not too long ago, there was an evil man (Mrballs) who was only married to this one person (Quadehara) because she had lots of moneys! They were both terrible people anyway, so it doesn't really matter that he was just using her. Anyway..One day, Mrballs decided he wanted to pick on WAY weaker flags than his, ones that didn't suck up to him, or bow in his presence. He would declare war on all the little flags that he could over power that didn't like him. Now, not only did he declare war on people, he made up lies about them. Like a mental warfare.
Mrballs is a well known person, so people thought "He's famous, he must be right!" Anyway, there was this teenage girl, (I won't reference a name because she asked not to be named she was also the very first target of Mrballs' doing.) who was being targeted by Mrballs for a reason that was completely stupid. She simply, didn't like him. She was a nice girl too. She also had a very nice reputation, majority of people she knew liked her. Mrballs found out about this. He made very unnecesary accusations about the girl, claiming that she was married in real life, and was pretending she was a teenager, and how she was a whore. She was torn apart, people just seemed to believe Mrballs, his crew, and his wife Quadehara. One mate, was so pissed off by this effort made by Mrballs, he decided to stand up to him, his crew, and his wife. His flag was immediately declared war on by Mrballs, and he targeted him next for mental warfare. Then, another mate stepped in and learnt about these accusations. He was told to stay away from the girl. Because she was lying about her life and she was actually married. Mrballs began to do this to EVERYONE who stood up to him, he abused his power to get to little weak flags and crews. He is a douschebag.
Isn't that just terrible? He tore friends apart by lying to them. He is still doing this. He is making up lies about people he doesn't like and telling them to all his 'friends' and then they tell their friends, and so on. ( I will probably be targeted for sharing this ) Luckily, 4 flags have began to bond together against Mrballs. Hopefully, they can take him down, shatter his self esteem, turn his friends against him. Just as he has done to so many other pirates.
Want to contribute to the mental warfare against Mrballs? Start making up rumours about them, then tell everyone. Give him a taste of his own medicine. OR, you could send me an e-mail (my e-mail is at the bottom of this note as it is in all my other notes) He's a douschebag that needs to be stopped. He has the I.Q. of a garden squirrel. He doesn't even know proper grammar, and apparently he's 40 years old.
This is how I would describe him:
-Intelligence of a 4 year old
-Maturity of a child who giggles at farts
-As bitchy as a teenage girl during her time of the month.

This space will be added to as time goes on. Keep watching this.

P.S. I heard he molests children.

Contact me, tell me your thoughts, opinions, request people for me to talk about.

Irishkiddo out!

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